Made with Love: Ozwind Soaps

Remember that pesky nose piercing and those healing tattoos? Well during that period of time, I had the chance to experiment with natural remedies and soaps. So, I got the idea: Why not share that with other folks? That’s when I decided to open my own Etsy Store and start selling my foaming hand soaps, body washes, and bath bombs.

Here is the link to Ozwind Soaps on Etsy:

If you want to follow Ozwind Soaps on Facebook, click here.

All of my products are made for people with sensitive skin and the bathing products are female-friendly. I refuse to use corn starch. You’re just asking for problem.

Every single product I’ve created has been tested in my lab (i.e., my home). If my skin can handle it, I know someone else won’t have problems.

I also designed a line of fragrance-free soaps.

So, if you like pampering yourself, or if you like supporting small business, or you like handcrafted, homemade products, check out the store.

I can personalize any order. I’m still experimenting, but so far I think I’m getting the hang of it.

Here are some photos of some of the products I sell:

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Two Lives to Separate

Just a PSA… I am cleaning up my PERSONAL Facebook account. Please, please, please do not be offended if you find yourself “unfriended.” It’s nothing personal at all. I had someone get mad at me today for doing the sweep. The fact is, I have never met most of the people who were swept off. I probably communicated with most of the people who were swept in my capacity as an author. However, if I’m to be true to my quest of separating my two lives, then I must continue with the separation. My author page is welcome to all. My personal life has to stay that way… personal.

Facebook tends to be an area of stress for me. If it weren’t for the author page, I would probably deactivate the account altogether. There’s too much fighting and bickering and horror on that site. For someone with PTSD and Anxiety Disorder, it can be a little overwhelming. It has its pluses, such as finding businesses, keeping up with “pages,” and information about various other things. All in all, I think it plays a more negative role in my life.

I use this blog, sometimes, as a personal journal. That’s my right. This isn’t some place I go to read about people hating one another or smacking each other in the face for personal belief differences. If I want to view that junk, all I have to do is log into Facebook.

I have actually limited my presence on several social media sites. I’m off of Tsu and LinkedIn. I don’t really get on Twitter much either. I feel that if someone likes my books, they will look me up on Amazon or Createspace or Smashwords.

The truth is, it’s time for a break from writing. I’ve put out four books. I need time to relax and think and recharge. Holding myself to time frames for writing isn’t what it’s about for me. I did that for this last book. I didn’t like how it made me feel. I felt rushed. I need to write because I want to, not because I feel like I have to. So, this summer, if I choose to work on a book that’s great. If not. That’s okay, too. If I never put out another book in my life, that’s fine also. I wasn’t ever looking to be famous. I wrote those books because I enjoyed the process and the creativity, especially The Between Worlds Books. The fourth book, Blessing of the Elements, was more of a personal catharsis, which I’ve stated before. And now that it’s done, I feel free and sort of empty, but not in a bad way. It was a way for me to move on from all of the pain from enduring 2014.

So, again, do not be upset if you are not on my personal profile’s “friends” list. You can always find me on I post there regularly and it’s usually inspirational quotes. I also have this blog hooked up to it, so when Teaser Tuesday goes live here, it goes live there also.

Have a peaceful Saturday. I hope mine stays that way, too.

Nothing personal

Hi gang. I did a huge “friend list” clean up on my personal Facebook account. If you were deleted, please do not take it personally. I have an active author page reserved for my work, the work of other authors, and all things writing, but my personal profile is now reserved for close friends and family.

Thanks for understanding. Must keep my real life and my writing life separate.  Have a good night!


saleEach year I try to have one big sale on my books. In October and November, I try to have another sale to raise money for Breast Cancer Research and the American Diabetes Foundation. To kick off the 2015 specials, I wanted to do a month long inventory sale. The Independence Inventory Sale lasts until July 31st. You can buy two of my books and get the third free. Cost is $26.50 plus shipping/handling. The books have to be purchased directly through me. This is the only way I can sign them and enclose a bookmark.

PayPal is the payment I accept. It is safe and dependable.

To order, simply contact me at or through my Facebook messenger,

June’s Featured Services: Marketing

10966941_10153075886893959_1785230454_nSo, you’ve published a book? Now what? How do you drive traffic toward your work? During the month of June, Ozwind Publishing is focusing on the marketing services that are offered. Many people are finding it very difficult to publicize their books. Why? Sometimes they don’t know the right avenues to take. Sometimes they feel uncomfortable talking about their books. We can help!

facebook-logoIt doesn’t matter who your work is published through, if you need someone to make folks aware of who you are and what you’re about, look to us for marketing solutions. A 3 month marketing package for $100 ensures that you will have the 90 days of tweeting, posting, and cheer-leading. Our yearly package for $400 offers the same perks, just for a longer period of time. Both of these include a spotlighted blog post here once a month. Keep in mind that the blog feature will be reblogged by my own followers and I will be networking with other bloggers to advocate for a feature about the author.

twitter-iconAlso included are tweets up to 3 per day on my Twitter account as well as Ozwind’s, 3 times per week. Additionally, is posts on Ozwind’s Facebook page and my page up to 3 per days 3 times per week. Our marketing department will also place phone calls to set up books signings. Lastly, 2 posts per day on 2 times per week is included in the package. 
tsu-logo-social-networkBook trailers are $170. Banners are $20. Facebook parties are $10 (2 hour hosting). Book teasers are $20. Posters range from $10 to $30. An ad on Ozwind’s website is $10 per month.
One last perk? I have my own radio show and any author who is being marketing through Ozwind will automatically be eligible to be a guest on the show and have your work regularly advertised on the broadcasts.
Please visit our website for contact information. Have a wonderful day!

Ozwind & Marketing

Ozwind banner (2)Each day I discover something brand new that Ozwind can do. So, I’m focusing on marketing for the post. I didn’t realize that clarification was needed about our marketing benefits until today. So, I wanted to relay some information about what we do as a provider.

There are two options available not only to Ozwind authors but also to those simply needing support. There is a 3 month package for $100 and there is a yearly package for $400. Both of these include a spotlighted blog post here once a month. Keep in mind that the blog feature will be reblogged by my own followers and I will be networking with other bloggers to advocate for a feature about the author.
twitter-iconAlso included are tweets up to 3 per day on my Twitter account as well as Ozwind’s, 3 times per week. Additionally, is posts on Ozwind’s Facebook page and my page up to 3 per days 3 times per week. Our marketing department will also place phone calls to set up books signings. Lastly, 2 posts per day on 2 times per week is included in the package. 
facebook-logoFor authors taking advantage of the AUTHOR BUNDLES, 3 months of marketing is included in the bundles. This means that the marketing begins once the book is published and lasts for 3 months. Thereafter, an author can choose to renew for another 3 months or for 1 year.
tsu-logo-social-networkBook trailers are $170. Banners are $20. Facebook parties are $10 (2 hour hosting). Book teasers are $20. Posters range from $10 to $30. An ad on Ozwind’s website is $10 per month.
Please visit our website for contact information. Have a wonderful night!

The Creation of Ozwind Publishing, LLC

Most of you already know that last week I became an “indie” author. In doing so, I decided to do something not only to protect my work, but also to create credibility for the books I write. So, I am forming an LLC. Ozwind Publishing, LLC will be the designated representative for my novels as well as Jayme Ronan’s. We are meeting with the powers that be next week to ensure legal formation of this dream-come-true.
Ozwind banner (2)Ozwind is not a traditional publisher and it is not a vanity press. I’m not saying that it won’t grow into something larger, but right now, I’m starting small and slow. I’ve seen what wild, unbridled growth can do to a company. I’ve seen how it can destroy the personal touch of a business. I do not want to do anything half-way. So, Ozwind will not be accepting submissions for some time. I don’t want to leave a legacy of disorganization and empty promises.

I know that some might feel that the creation of this “business” is a waste, but actually it is quite wise. It is a legal way to protect your property as well as to provide a point of reference to my work. It seems that, locally, people still expect an author to be associated with a publisher. They haven’t made the leap to the indie world nor do they understand the discipline it takes to be an indie. So, in order for me to keep local interest, this needed to happen.

ozwindI want to thank Select-O-Grafix for creating my banner and logo for the website and Facebook page.

So, now, the next thing…

In April, my books we be available. BETWEEN WORLDS will be a trilogy. THE FINE LINE & VOICE OF THE DEAD (formerly known as IDOLUM) will go up immediately for sale in April. THROUGH GLASS DARKLY will go up for pre-order, more than likely. My goal is to schedule at least one local appearance each month starting in May and running up until the end of November.

After BETWEEN WORLDS is finished, I will be working on an anthology of paranormal stories which will hopefully be released in October. KACONS OF DARKNESS will be further down on that list. I’m not sure if it will be a stand alone or the start of a series. But, since I have the freedom of choice now, I don’t feel the pressure of having to make a decision right away.

There you have it! If you would like to learn more about Ozwind, please visit the website and the Facebook page.

Have a wonderful day!

The New Face in Social Media:

When Facebook began changing its mission and made announcements about how things would change in 2015, I started researching a website that was recommended to me. When my author profile on Facebook was forced to become a “page,” I delved further into researching.

When my profile was converted, I even went out on a limb and paid for a few weeks so that my page would be seen by more people. As of today I have 6279 followers. Most of those were from my old author page merged to the new one. However, since I have decided NOT to pay for another few weeks, I lose a follower each day. Out of the over 6000 followers I have, only an average of 151 of them see my posts. I find that extremely sad and, most of all, I find it infuriating! It has been said and is obvious within the last month that if you do not pay, you remain hidden to the masses. Those very people you are trying to engage are not seeing a thing you post.

The better question is this: Are the “followers” gained from paying BOTS or real, breathing people? I don’t know the answer to that.

tsu-logo-social-networkSo, I’m posting this today, not only to vent my frustration, but to let you know that there is another website for those of us that are trying to engage people. It is From what I can see, it appears to be the new face of social media or at least that is what I am hoping. You actually get royalties for gaining followers. If you would like to get on the wagon, you can friend me there. Once you do that, you can create your own followers, for which you will receive royalties. Here is my link. Follow the prompts to create your own account and there you have it. A way to reach and engage your friends and followers.

facebook-logoOf course you can follow me on my Facebook page, not that you would ever see my posts unless I PAY to let you see them. You can also ask to friend me on my personal profile.


To conclude, I would like to update you on other places you can find me. And I want to send out a big thank you for those that already do follow and engage!

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The Facebook Storm: If you were friends with me on Facebook, you need to read this.

Today I woke to an error message while trying to log into my author profile on Facebook. I was forced to create an actual page. I already had one, but it was giving me no choice but to create yet another one. I had over 3000 friends on that account. It has been converted to a page. However, I have reason to believe the page will soon be deleted as well due to a merging error. So, here is what I’d like you to do. You can friend me on my actual personal profile. The fact is Tracee Ford is Tracy Wilson. Actually, me as Tracy Wilson is almost nonexistent, but to make Facebook happy, I had no choice.

The other thing I encourage you to do is find me here,, and consider this an invite. Many of my author friends and readers have already made the switch. Because I have been off of the radar for so long I’m not sure how many people will even see this, but I’m taking a chance that you all will see it and follow me.

My facebook connection is now and