Spring Fever Blog Tour featured Author: Hunter S. Jones

Hello everyone and good evening! I am featuring Hunter S. Jones tonight. She is a talented author who agreed to participated in this awesome event. Thank so much Hunter! Enjoy the read everyone!

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000447_00008]Title: A Celtic Tapestry
Author: Hunter S. Jones

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Website: http://www.Moon RosePublishing.com

Blog: Exile on Peachtree Street http://www.thehuntersjones.blogspot.com

Social Media connections:

Release Date: March 21st
Where to buy:  http://www.moonrosepublishing.com/#!a-celtic-tapestry/c1wc8

Other Work: Fables of the Reconstruction

Here’s the blurb for the anthology, A Celtic Tapestry:

The wheel of the year turns, bringing the joy of spring, the warmth of summer, the richness of autumn, and the merriment of winter. But eight Celtic festivals link these seasons together, bringing with them romance, lust, danger, and even magic. From a city under threat from night-time creatures at Ostara, to a selkie caught by the light of the Lughnasadh moon, to a writer caught in the flames of a fiery goddess at Imbolc.


Livia Ellis

Hunter S Jones

Laura De Luca

Elodie Parkes

Elle J Rossi

Miranda Stork

Carolyn Wolfe

Tara Stogner Wood

Eight authors have come together to give their own twist on these festivals, weaving each story with a blend of myth, magic, and contemporary telling…to create A Celtic Tapestry.

 Mini Interview:

1      When did you first start writing?


I wrote my first word at 6 months. Does that count?

2      Did you always want to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?


Well, I always wanted to do and be a million different things, so yes, maybe I did always want to be a writer.

3      What genre do you prefer to work within? Or do you mix it up? 

I’m very comfortable with explicit Horror/Supernatural fiction. A Celtic Tapestry is a romance. It was a true challenge writing about real people.

4      Where does your inspiration for these stories (this story) come from?


I don’t know where inspiration comes from. Magic in Memphis, my Yule story from A Celtic Tapestry, started as a thought. Simply…what if…?

5      What has your publishing experience been like? 


Publishing is a never ending roller coaster ride of action packed adventure.

6      Do you have a certain routine you have for writing? i.e. You listen to music, sit in a certain chair?


Music. Music is always involved in some way, but never in the same way twice. I have no rituals or set routine for writing, except I write something/anything/ everyday.

7      How do you come up with characters names and place names in your books?


Great question. So far, all the names and places have come to me. Then, I drive my friends crazy until we all agree that, yes, that is the name for those characters. In Magic in Memphis, Victoria Bryant simply started out as Vix. For the male lead character, I wanted a name that was impossibly English. His name is James Wellington.


Ray Ferrer-Urban Art8      In your most recent work, who is your favorite character and why?


Victoria Bryant is the favourite because she just leads a normal life and enjoys her career. She never expected to meet a man like James Wellington. James was fun to write. Beautiful cads are always fun, but I knew he had a heart and a brain so he would realize how special Victoria is.


9      Did you learn anything from writing your book?  What was it?


I learned that it is very difficult for me to write about normal people with real emotions. It really did take me a long time to get this story on the page.


10   How did you/do you market your work?


Social media, blogs…all the usual marketing.


11   What piece of advice would you give to a new writer?


Don’t quit your day job.


12   Are you working on anything new?  If so, can you tell me about it?


Let me get back with you on this one. There’s some exciting news on the way.

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