Spirit Animals: Turtles

Call me biased, but I think turtles are the cutest little animals!  However, they aren’t always little.  The sea turtle is large.  These are beautiful, timeless animals who have been around for a very long time.  They also live long lives if they are left undisturbed.  For crediting, see the reference section.

The turtle is another patience animal.  These animals are naturally slow-moving in the wild.  Does it feel like the turtle took forever to find you?  Maybe that’s the case.  Timing is essential for the arrival of the turtle.

For those of you who find that a turtle is sitting on the tree stump by the pond of your life, pay special attention to the details in your world.  Whether it’s a project or your personal situation, be mindful of the tiny things.  Take each step knowingly and willingly.  Try not to rush ahead.  It might take some time to reach your goals, but the turtle reminds you that you will succeed.

Turtles also signify earth energy.  So, it may be that it’s time to ground yourself.  Additionally, you might be one of those people how are great at navigation.  That ability might stem from the spirit totem.  You may also have the tendency to withdraw in uncomfortable circumstances or in situations you see as threatening (this is like the turtle going into its shell).  To help with this, be cognoscente of returning to the earth what she has granted you.  In other words, honor the creativity you hold within yourself.  Use water and earth energies to create balance in your life.

The arrival of a turtle also signifies the need for peace.  Again, this goes back to the willingness to be determined, but doing it at a steady pace.  The patience may bring about a settling down in your life.  However, remember that turtles might be slow on land, but they fly in the water.  So, once more, it’s association with earth and water is crucial to understanding the spirit this animal is granting you.  This might mean it’s time for you to take a break from the busy world around you and find serenity.  Do you like the ocean or being near water?  This may be why.  Your spirit animal may be drawing you back to the basics.  Standing in the water with bare feet is a great way to ground yourself.  If you can’t escape to a tropical paradise, stand on the ground with bare feet.  It offers the same relief.  The turtle will teach you these things and much more.

More information provided by Harris (2017) also states that the turtle represents the following:

  • Ability to stay grounded, even in moments of disturbances and chaos
  • Slowing down, pacing yourself
  • Determination, persistence
  • Emotional strength and understanding
  • Ancient wisdom

Because I always enjoy reading Harris (2017) and her work with spirit animals, she presented some pretty compelling information about the turtle that might help you.  The American continent is actually known as “Turtle Island” according to Native American lore.  Here is a direct quote to help you understand the legend:  “It is said that the Turtle carried the weight of the land of that continent on her back. This image is also present in Hindu and Chinese cultures, where the turtle is the animal carrying Mother Earth  and holding the world in balance” (Harris, 2017).  This means that a turtle totem gives you access to ancient wisdom, but not just wisdom, earth wisdom.  You are likely very aware of the elements, land, plants, people, and animals.  You are peace.  When people find you, they find that they are calmed.  That might be your turtle coming through to others.

The turtle also symbolizes longevity and immortality in many mythologies around the world.  Why?  Because of the turtle’s appearance.  The wrinkly, dry skin and slow movement calls to mind old age.  However, the association with longevity is a good thing.  I found something fascinating when reading an article by Wild Gratitude (2015).  The relationship to aging could come from as far back as Darwin’s research.  He met “Harriet,” a Galapagos tortoise, while studying evolution.  Harriet passed away 171 years after befriending Darwin.  She passed in 2006 at the age of 250.  Isn’t that astounding?

Something else that Wild Gratitude (2015) taught me was that the internal organs of turtle DO NOT age!  They are the only animal that can brag about this.  Therefore, the solution to aging may actually be in the DNA of the turtle!  So, does that mean that these animals can open the gate to eternal life?  Are they the key to the fountain of youth?

Think of the wisdom you would gain living 250 years.  The point is that there is a timeless quality that comes with the human soul.  That is why it isn’t out of the realm of possibility that our souls have lived through MANY  lifetimes.  The turtle reminds us of this possibility.  If we can embrace that timelessness, we may be able to relieve some of the stress we sometimes shoulder.  We’ve been through all of this before!  This may even ease our anxiety surrounding death!

Remember that turtles are determined.  So, if you find that you are struggling with making it from point A to point B, don’t give up.  Your animal might help you pull through.  Along the way, there are lessons you need to learn and areas of growth that have to happen in order for you to truly appreciate your journey.  Welcome you turtle into your life for those reasons.  When you feel weary, pull from the determination this spirit animal offers you.  The end results may astound you!




Harris, E.  (2017).  Turtle spirit animal.  Retrieved from http://www.spiritanimal.info/eagle-


Spirit animals:  Trusty turtle.  (2015, July 17).  Wild Gratitude.  https://www.wildgratitude.com/meaning-of-turtle-spirit-animal/

Turtle symbolism.  (2017).  Spirit Animal Totems.  https://www.spirit-animals.com/turtle/

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