Today is the kick off of the Spring Fever Blog Tour lasting from today until May 31st.  You are about to embark on two solid months of featured authors and interviews with those talented individuals who bring to life our imaginations!  Recruitment took place via Facebook. This blog tour is dedicated to published authors.  Unfortunately, at this time, I won’t be featuring authors that have not yet published, but I can promise that before 2013 is over, I will offer a two month long blog tour for aspiring writers.

Because I promised to have some sort of special event every month in 2013 to promote my new books, this two month long adventure will allow the authors selected to enter a contest to win some pretty cool prizes.  Winners will be announced in June.

Starting this tour is Georgina Hannan.  Thank you so much for participating.

Folks, enjoy the read:

IMG_7922-G H-April 1 (1)Author Bio: Georgina Hannan grew up in Surrey, England. She loved school and spending her free time with her friends and family.

She wrote her first story when she was fourteen (unpublished) and has always had a love of writing.

‘Cursed’ was inspired by a brief day trip to the Dartmoor area. It was on this trip Georgina became enthralled by the area and an idea was sparked.

Georgina is a full time I.T Consultant and so spends her free time juggling writing and see family and friends.

Cursed_Cover - Susan 2Title: Cursed
Author: Georgina Hannan

Genre: Young Adult, Horror, Romance

Reality and Myths collide.

A young adult story about a group of four friends who embark on a holiday together to the gorgeous countryside of Dartmoor, Devon, each of them hoping for an adventure, something they will always remember. However it isn’t long before they get what they want.

The group are plagued by noises after hearing the myths and legends of the area. Is it just their overactive imaginations or is there a visitor in the spare room who is trying to get their attention?

Join the group on a spectacular journey as they discover what Dartmoor has to offer.

Release Date: 07th Jan 2013
Where to buy:

5.0 out of 5 stars Great Story line and a refreshing read 16 Jan 2013 By Penjobe

Even though I could be seen as being in the top end of the target audience – Teenagers and Young Adults. I found this book very interesting!

The storyline flowed well, the Characters were well described and I could easily relate to the main character.

I also loved the historical content, telling you about the places they visited with reference to real places that were accurate.

I am an avid reader and found this book a refreshing change and one that can be relaxing for the more mature brain but still ignite the interest of the reader.

I couldn’t put it down. I would definitely recommend this book to people 11+ and even those who weren’t the intended target. For me it’s an all rounder.

4.0 out of 5 stars Cursed by Georgina Hannan, 18 Jan 2013 By aalady 

I have wanted to start reading again as I haven,t done so for a while. This kept me intrigued as to what was going to happen next! so I read it in a couple of days.
Story line was well thought out and all places mentioned were well researched which made it seem as if it could happen to you if you were to visit Dartmoor. This book in my opinion is aimed at teenagers but I read it and enjoyed it. Perfect ending. Can’t wait for next one.

5.0 out of 5 stars cursed, 25 Feb 2013 By rpmpjp 

I love to read and although outside the recommended age range by many years felt that I was gripped from page one. I felt that Georgina has targeted her chosen audience well, as at times I was looking for a bit more but I do really love a good mystery or murder – but then as I said I am not in her target audience.
The page layout and print size would also encourage those who are put off a bit by long stories. Georgina obviously had good general knowledge of the area although I did feel at times that there was a little too much detail, the story line was easy to follow and did draw you to the characters we all have friends like these.
A good first book, will be interested to read the second instalment Obsession. For now my 12 year old is working his way through it, and he is a very reluctant reader so I see that as a thumbs up.
Summing up well worth the read, not too long and a few twists and turns along the way.

5.0 out of 5 stars a great read, 30 Jan 2013 By KittyB

As an avid reader I have been looking for a new book to read. Once Cursed arrived at my door I started reading it straight away and couldn’t put it down. I finished the book in less than a day! The area and history is well researched and well written.
I am looking forward to the next instalment. I am positive it will be just as good as “Cursed”.


5.0 out of 5 stars Loved it!, 29 Jan 2013 By Ellie Williams “ELLie” (South Wales)

You very rarely get to read anything that lives in your own back garden anymore, or even the excitement of places you’ve been yourself. As a child I went to Dartmoor allot, it’s awesome how Georgina has captured this and brought it so much more life than it actually has by bring myths and Legends to life within it. And Dartmoor is an amazing place to visit, so full of wonder and captivating scenery, and Georgina has brought so much to it in her writing.
I love the story line from the get go, was carried on throughout without stop when I started it last night! Haven’t been able to put it down until this very moment when I came to write this review.

5 Stars, 10/10, 100% excited for the next instalment (Obsession).

I don’t feel that this book should solely be aimed at Teenagers because myself and my sister enjoyed this very much. It has a cute puppy-dog love theme to it and the innocence is lovely, it’s beautiful to read. Daisy is such a pipperoo!

Mini Interview:

1      When did you first start writing?

I started writing when I was about fourteen. I started a romance story in a collection of notebooks and my friend joined in with me for a bit. Unfortunately a lot of that story was lost so I have been re-writing it and updating it ever since.

2      Did you always want to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?

No, I used to want to be a teacher!

3      What drew you to writing young adult stories?

Well as I started when I was fourteen it was my age group and still is just. I like writing about the way younger people see and feel about relationships and situations as it’s a lot different to an adult.

4      Where does your inspiration for these stories come from?

Good question! I’m not really sure, sometimes it’s just a random idea or its adapted from a dream or an advert or something in my life.

5      What has your experience been like publishing with

They have been very good and very helpful. There have been a few teething issues but mostly they have been very accommodating and I would recommend them.

6      What was your favourite chapter to write and why?

My favourite chapter would probably have to be Chapter 8 as I enjoyed writing it from different views. I won’t say any more than that J


7      Where is your favourite place to write?

My favourite place is my bedroom at my desk, which I just recently set-up J


8      Do you have a certain routine you have for writing? i.e. You listen to music, sit in a certain chair?

My only routine is I sit at my desk and I have to listen to music otherwise I become distracted by the TV programmes.

9      Do you use a computer/laptop for your first draft or are you a pen and paper writer? 

I used to use pen and paper as I knew I’d always have it with me, however I hated typing it all up so I use my laptop now.

10   How do you come up with characters names and place names in your books?

The characters are usually a mixture of names I like and surnames of random people or first names of people I know with different surnames.


11   Did you learn anything from writing your book?  What was it?

I learnt more about the Dartmoor area and the places available to visit there. I also learnt that editing is very hard but very rewarding.


12   How long does it usually take you to write a book, from the original idea to finishing writing it?

Not that long a few months or so really. It’s the editing that takes the longest for me.


13   Can you describe the feeling you had when you saw your published book for the first time?

I was ecstatic! I was so very excited and I kept touching it and showing it to everyone.

14   Who are some of your favourite authors? 

Lauren Kate, Karen Mahoney, JK Rowling, and many more.


15   Have you ever suffered from a “writer’s block”? What did you do to get past the “block”?

Yes I have, not sure there are many writers out there who can say they haven’t! I tend to do a few things; mess around on Facebook for a bit, text a few of my friends and family, make a nice hot chocolate and re-read what I have written. If that still doesn’t work then I put a film on and go back it after it. There has only been one occasion where I had to give up trying for the day as it just wasn’t happening.

16   What piece of advice would you give to a new writer?

Keep at it. Try editing your own work before giving it to a professional as it makes you so much closer to your own work and teaches you a skill.


17   Would you share a deep dark secret about you with us?

A deep dark secret, gosh I’m not sure I can think of one! Let’s see… I once tried writing a raunchy scene but I made myself feel embarrassed so deleted it!

Thank you for letting us get to know you and your books, Georgina. This book sounds rather exciting and thrilling I must say! Plus you do have a lot of books under your belt J

Everyone, please remember any questions or suggestions for Georgina please write them in the comments section below.

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